- When was Graham Corporation incorporated, and in which state?
Graham Corporation was incorporated in the state of Delaware in 1983 as a successor to Graham Manufacturing Co., Inc., which was incorporated in 1936.
- What is Graham's ticker symbol and where is the company's stock traded?
Graham's ticker symbol is GHM and its common shares are traded on the NYSE stock exchange, which is owned by NYSE Euronext. Prior to May 2014, the Company's shares were traded on the NYSE: MKT, and prior to October 2008, the Company's shares were traded on the American Stock Exchange (Amex) under the same ticker symbol. NYSE Euronext acquired the Amex in October 2008.
- What is Graham Corporation's CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) number?
Graham's CUSIP number is 384556106. A CUSIP number identifies securities and facilitates the clearing and settlement process of securities.
- Does Graham have preferred shares or multiple classes of common share outstanding?
No, Graham has only common shares issued and outstanding.
- How many common shares of Graham Corporation are outstanding?
Refer to the most recent form 10-Q or form 10-K in the SEC Fillings Section for a recent count of Graham's outstanding shares.
- Does Graham pay a dividend on its common shares?
Yes. Refer to the Dividends section of this web site for information.
- How can I invest in Graham Corporation?
You can purchase common shares of Graham Corporation through the brokerage or stock purchase service of your choice.
- Does Graham have a direct stock purchase plan?
No, Graham does not have a direct purchase plan.
- Whom do I contact with questions about transferring shares, if I've lost my stock certificate or if I need to change my address?
For shareholder inquiries regarding stock certificates, change or consolidation of accounts, transfer of ownership or other stock matters, please contact our transfer agent:
First Class/Registered/Certified Mail:
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RIĀ 02940-3006Courier Services:
462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202U.S. Stockholders: 800-288-9541
International Stockholders: 201-680-6578
TDD U.S. Hearing Impaired: 800-231-5469
TDD International Stockholders: 201-680-6610
Web site: www.computershare.com/investor- Who is Graham's outside legal counsel?
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
1600 Bausch & Lomb Place
Rochester, NY 14604- Who are Graham's independent auditors?
Deloitte & Touche LLP
910 Bausch & Lomb Place
Rochester, NY 14604- What is the address of Graham's corporate headquarters?
Graham Corporation
20 Florence Avenue
Batavia, NY 14020- Does Graham have any subsidiaries and where are they located?
Graham has two subsidiaries: Graham Vacuum and Heat Transfer Technology (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. in the Peoples Republic of China and Graham India Private Limited ("GIPL") based in the northwest region of India, in Ahmedabad.
- Which Investment Analysts follow Graham?
Refer to the Analyst Coverage section for a list of analysts and firms currently covering Graham.
- Can I have access to Graham's quarterly earnings conference calls?
Graham provides a link to the audio webcast and replay of earnings conference calls in the Events and Presentations section.
- What is Graham's fiscal year end?
Graham's fiscal year end is March 31.
- Where can I find information about Graham's management and board of directors?
This information, along with the company's Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Nominating Committee and Employee Benefits Committee charters, can be found in the Corporate Governance Section of this web site.
- How can I obtain a Graham Investor Information Package or other company-related financial information?
Refer to the SEC Fillings section for online versions of recent financial documents such as form 10-Q and 10-K. Also, refer to the Corporate Overview section of this web site for the most recent annual report and to the Events & Presentations section for an overview of Graham.
- How do I reach Investor Relations at Graham?
This information is provided in the Investor Relations Contacts section of this web site.